Twinkles twinkl little star how i wonder waht your up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky
Twinkles twinkl little star how i wonder waht your up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky
16 June 2008
love U-Jean at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
21 December 2007
19 December 2007
15 December 2007
went out with nat and vern on dec 5th, after stpm. this is at gurney and kawasan-kawasan sekitarnya.
love U-Jean at Saturday, December 15, 2007 0 comments
09 November 2007
film shooting (02-03112007)

a clip of miranda
yo-an trying to get the owner of a dog to shut the dog up
love U-Jean at Friday, November 09, 2007 1 comments